Where Do Installed Golang Packages From Github Go

Golang Installation and Getting started guide

Go is an open reference, statically typewritten, compiled programming nomenclature built away Google.

Information technology combines the best of both statically typed and dynamically typed languages and gives you the right mixture of efficiency and ease of programming. It is primarily clad for building fast, efficient, and reliable server side applications.

Following are or s of the most far-famed features of Go -

  • Safety : Both Type refuge and Memory board prophylactic.
  • Virtuous support for Concurrency and communication.
  • Efficient and response time-free Trash pickup
  • High amphetamine compiling
  • Excellent Tooling support

This is the prototypic part of our tutorial series happening Blend. In this clause, you'll learn how to install Go in your system and put in your development environment for Go projects.

Installing Go

Go binary distributions are available for all major operating systems alike Linux, Windows, and MacOS. It's super simple to establis Die from the multiple distributions.

If a positional notation distribution is not available for your operating scheme, you give the sack try installment Live from source.

Mac OS X

Using Homebrew

The easiest agency to install Get in Mac OS is by using Homebrew -

Using macOS package installer

Download the latest Go under software system (.pkg) single file from Go's official downloads paginate. Open the package and take after the on-screen instructions to install Go. By default, Go will live installed in /usr/local/go.


Download the Linux distribution from Go's authoritative download page and extract IT into /usr/local directory.

                          sudo              Jack-tar              -C /usr/local -xzf go$VERSION              .              $Osmium-$ARCH.mariner.gz          

Next, add the /usr/local/go/binful directory to your PATH environment variable. You posterior do this aside adding the following line to your ~/.bash_profile file -

                          export                              PATH                            =              $PATH:/usr/local/go/BIN          

You crapper besides use whatsoever other directory like /opt/go instead of /usr/local for installing Go.


Download the Windows MSI installer file from Go's official download page. Subject the installer and follow the happening-screen instructions to install Go in your windows system. By default, the installer installs Move in C:\Go

The Go statistical distribution comes bundled with the go joyride. Information technology is a overtop line tool that lets you automate common tasks such as downloading and installing dependencies, construction and testing your code, and much to a greater extent.

After installing Go past tailing the instruction manual in the premature section, you should Be able to run the Go tool by typing spell in the command line -

            $ go Go is a tool              for              managing Expire              source              encipher.  Usance:  	go              command              [arguments]              The commands are:  	build       accumulate packages and dependencies 	clean       remove object files 	doc         show certification              for              packet operating theatre symbol              env              print Go environment information 	hemipterous insect         start a hemipteran report 	fix         melt hold out tool fix on packages              fmt              run gofmt connected package sources 	generate    generate Go files by processing              source              get         download and              install              packages and dependencies              install              compile and              install              packages and dependencies 	list        list packages 	run         compile and run Go program              test              trial              packages 	tool        run specified go instrument 	version     impress Endure version 	vet         run go joyride veterinary surgeon on packages  Use              "go help [overlook]"              for              more              information about a compel.  Additional              help              topics:  	c           calling between Hold up and C 	buildmode   description of build modes 	filetype              charge              types 	gopath      GOPATH surroundings variable 	environment environment variables 	importpath              import              path syntax 	packages    description of package lists 	testflag    description of testing flags 	testfunc    description of examination functions  Purpose              "go on help [topic]"              for              more              entropy about that issue.          

Go Code Administration

Lead programs are reorganized into packages. A package is a collection of source files in the same directory that are compiled together. All the functions, types, variables, and constants defined in one source file are visible to altogether the other source files within the same package.

Go language has several intrinsical packages the like

  • fmt package, which contains functions for formatting and printing text.
  • math package, which provides basic constants and mathematical functions.

You need to significance these packages in your program if you deficiency to use the functions and constants defined in these packages. You can besides import and use external packages assembled and published by else people on any source control management scheme wish github.

Any Go source code monument contains one Oregon more modules. A faculty is a collection of related Go packages stored in a directory with a go.mod file at its root. The go.mod file defines the module's path, which is the import path used while importing packages that are component part of this faculty.

When you import packages contained in other modules, you manage those dependencies through your code's own module defined past the proceed.mod file. The go.mod file keeps track of all the external modules that render the packages used past your write in code.

            mymodule   app/   util/   go.modernistic          

Testing your Go installation with the Hi World program

Rent's indite our first Go program to test our Go induction. Create a new folder hello inside your plate directory.

Right away, let's create a blend mental faculty for our How-do-you-do world program. You rear do so away running the go modernistic init statement with the module gens. The faculty's name is also its import path. In most cases, this wish be the repository location where your source code will be unbroken, such as github.com/mymodule. If you programme to publish your module for others to use, the module itinerary must be a location from which Go tools potty download your faculty.

Note that you don't pauperism to publish your code to a remote repository before you tin can build it. A module can be defined locally without belonging to a depositary. However, IT's a good habit to organize your code as if you will release it someday.

Permit's create the module like this;

            go mod init github.com/callicoder/hi go: creating untested go.modernistic: mental faculty github.com/callicoder/hello          

Today create a file called hello.disco biscuit and library paste the following encode:

                          package              main              importation              "fmt"              func              primary              (              )              {              fmt.              Printf              (              "Hi, World-wide\n"              )              }                      

You can lean the Hello humans progeam by lengthways go run . command

Building an executable binary using go build

The go run command compiles and runs your political program at one go. If nevertheless, you want to produce a binary from your Go source that buns be run as a standalone executable without exploitation the Go tool, and then use the go build command -

            $ go build $              ls              go.mod   hello    hello.go          

The go build command creates an executable multiple with the same identify as the name of your immediate package (hello). You prat run the binary file like so -

Installing the software packag into the ABA transit number directory victimization go instal

You can use the go instal command to build and establis the executable binary into your Extend to workspace's bin directory ($HOME/go/bin) -

            $              cd              $HOME/become/bin $              ls              hello $ ./hello Hi, World          

You can also add the $HOME/go/bin directory to the Itinerary variable to foot race go executables from any location.

Assume't bury to check out: go help political campaign, go help progress, go helper set up .


That's all for now folks! I hope you're every last set to deep plunge and learn more virtually the Go away programing language. You can find all the tutorials written in Go from the Golang categories Page.

Thanks for reading, view you in the next article.

Next Article: Hi Golang: Writing your first Golang Plan

Code Samples: github.com/callicoder/golang-tutorials

Sir Thomas More resources

  • Go's official Getting Started guide
  • How to Write Go Code
  • Command Go

Where Do Installed Golang Packages From Github Go

Source: https://www.callicoder.com/golang-installation-setup-gopath-workspace/

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